Your Guide to Colorado Elk Hunting
Update: Unfortunately, the cost of Tyvek (waterproof and tear resistant) plotter paper has skyrocketed, so I will now be printing all of my maps on standard heavy duty HP plotter paper.

“First Elk. Archery Season 2016. Shot Right in a Hot Spot.” Blake from Alabama.
Want to find more elk? Welcome to, a website designed by an elk hunter for other elk hunters. First of all, this website and the information I provide has been years in the making and is designed specifically for one thing–Elk Hunting. I am a one man company working out of my basement (meaning that if you call or email, you will be talking to or hearing back from me) and I believe I have a product that can benefit all elk hunters. I have developed a series of hunting maps that depict not only the elk seasonal ranges, but more importantly elk habitat. These are the areas where you should be scouting/hunting for elk. I do this by showing you where the best elk habitat is located in the areas you are hunting for elk. By showing you the elk forage, their escape and bedding areas, and the elk hot spots, it becomes pretty clear that you should not be hunting for elk, but instead be “hunting” for elk habitat. Finding quality elk habitat means finding more elk. If you are skeptical, check out this article from the Denver Post before you make up your mind whether you want to continue reading. Also, please notice the date the article was printed. I have since refined my elk hunting parameters based upon feedback from elk hunters who have used my maps in the past.
Still unsure? Check out some of the reviews on Bowsite, Backtrak Outdoors, and Wapiti Talk.
My maps guide you to the secret spots that have quality elk habitat and the areas you should be hunting. With this knowledge, I can show you where to hunt for elk in a specific area. Also, if you are having a hard time deciding which GMU to hunt for elk this next year, you may want to take a look at one of my GMU Reports. One more thing, be sure to check out the information below and on the side panels, as well as my ElkTracker™ Maps.
Find the Right GMU for Your Next Elk Hunt

Mike’s maps were extremely accurate and helped me find this bull during my 2016 archery hunt. Tod from Ozark, MO
This is a good place to start, especially if you are looking for a new area in Colorado to go elk hunting. Here you will find loads of information about each Game Management Unit (GMU) such as lands open to the public, success rates based on past years data, elk migration corridors, elk ranges, and some pretty intriguing maps and tables that help summarize all the information on one page for you to view and download. However, if you want to see how your preferences for elk hunting stack up against each GMU, you really need to check out my Find Your GMU page. Answer the questions and you will see how I break down each GMU based upon certain characteristics such as slope of the terrain, percentage of winter range, forested vs. non-forested, and many more categories. You can essentially sit at your monitor and figure out which GMUs fit your style of hunting.
Find More Elk by Finding Elk Habitat
ElkTracker™ Maps are, quite simply, the best elk hunting maps ever offered for the state of Colorado. Period. Now I am not going to try to convince you that if you use my maps you are guaranteed to see more elk. However, I will guarantee that the areas I depict on the maps are the most likely areas where you will find elk once the hunting pressure starts. That is because these maps show in detail the areas that have the three things elk need to survive a hunting season—Forage, Cover, and Water—and the elk know where these areas are located. My maps show you exactly where the elk retreat to during the hunting season. In short, the ElkTracker ™ Map series were designed for Colorado elk hunting and give you the detailed information you need for success in the field by showing you where you should be concentrating your efforts while you are hunting by showing you where the quality elk habitat is located.
From a testimonial: Overall, the map has some excellent information combined into one map that can be used for your primary hunting map. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this map to anyone looking for a starting point for their upcoming elk hunt. This is just one more thing to help [read more]...
You are probably asking yourself “What makes ElkTracker™ Maps so different from other maps”? Well, they show you exactly where the more than 6,000 prime elk hunting areas or “Elk Hot Spots“ are located as well as elk security habitat and primary forage areas for almost all of Colorado west of Interstate 25. They also depict elk ranges and concentration areas, elk migratory routes and corridors, public/private land ownership, wilderness area boundaries, and USFS roads and trails open to the public. While it is true that you can find some of this information on other maps that are currently available, you will not find it all contained on one easy to read map centered on your area of choice at the level of detail offered on my maps. To find out more about these features and what they represent on the maps, follow the link to How to use the Maps.

285 P&Y Bull Elk–StartMyHunt data helped me find this guy right next to a Hot Spot–Bronson (2016 Archery)
Most importantly, you will not find the readily identifiable “Hot Spots”, security habitat, or primary forage areas on any other map at any price. That is because the scientifically backed methodology used to identify these areas are unique to ElkTracker™ Maps. These areas were identified by using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and based upon the amount of available quality forage, the density of elk security habitat, the proximity to roads, and the primary migratory routes elk use to move from one range to another range. This type of analysis is unique to ElkTracker Maps.