ElkTracker Map Examples

Example ElkTracker™ Maps

GMU Map Example

ElkTracker GMU Map

  • Scale varies–the larger the GMU, the less detail you will see on the map, so you may want to narrow down the area you want to hunt.
  • Depicts elk migration routes, security habitat, prime forage areas, secondary forage areas, and hot spots.
  • Insets show land ownership, elk seasonal ranges, etc.
  • Measures 30×32 inches.
  • Depicts 2012 USFS road classifications.
  • Good map to have if you have never hunted the GMU.


ElkTracker Stealth Map

  • Scale is 1:48,000 and covers roughly a 15×18 mile area.
  • Depicts elk migration routes, security habitat, prime forage areas, secondary forage areas, and hot spots.
  • Insets show land ownership, elk seasonal ranges, etc.
  • Measures 30×32 inches.
  • Depicts 2012 USFS road classifications.
  • Good map to have if you know the general area you intend to hunt but may want to check out other areas that are close.


ElkTracker Navigator Map

  • Scale is 1:24,000 and covers roughly a 7×9 mile area.
  • Depicts elk migration routes, security habitat, prime forage areas, secondary forage areas, and hot spots.
  • Insets show land ownership, elk seasonal ranges, etc.
  • Measures 30×32 inches.
  • Depicts 2012 USFS road classifications.
  • Good detail, shaded relief background makes it easier to pick out vantage points and valleys.


ElkTracker Bullseye Map

  • Scale is 1:24,000 and covers roughly a 7×9 mile area.
  • Depicts elk migration routes, security habitat, prime forage areas, secondary forage areas, and hot spots.
  • Insets show land ownership, elk seasonal ranges, etc.
  • Measures 30×32 inches.
  • Depicts 2012 USFS road classifications.
  • Good detail, identical to the Navigator map but does not have the shaded relief background.


ElkTracker Stalker Map

  • Scale is 1:12,000 and covers roughly a 3.5×4 mile area.
  • Depicts elk migration routes, security habitat, prime forage areas, secondary forage areas, and hot spots.
  • Insets show land ownership, elk seasonal ranges, etc.
  • Measures 30×32 inches.
  • Depicts 2012 USFS road classifications.
  • Great detail.  Designed for the hunter who knows exactly where they want to hunt.  Background is satellite imagery.