Stalker Map


Input Landmark:

Please enter the landmark to be used as the center point for your map. Be as specific as possible and include the GMU in your description.

GMU map here

Input X, Y Centerpoint Coordinates:

Please enter the X, Y centerpoint coordinates for your map in the field below.



This map is printed on heavy duty paper and measures 30×32 inches in size.  These maps feature all the same information as the other maps, but they have an aerial image as the background instead of the topographic image. These maps are made for the hunter who knows the area they intend to hunt. They are centered on the X,Y coordinate or landmark you provide and the Main panel of these maps are drawn at 1:12,000 scale (1 inch on the map = 1,000 feet on the ground), so they show less area (about 3.5×4.5 miles) but more detail than the other series of maps. These maps are useful for the hunter who is familiar with a certain area, but may want to identify specific vantage points on the ground. You can actually identify individual stands of trees (even individual trees), meadows, trails, rock slide areas, and small ponds that are not visible on the other maps.  They feature elk forage areas, “Hot Spots”,  and USFS roads and trails on National Forest Lands, as well as security habitat, land ownership, elk ranges, and much more statewide.


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X and Y Centerpoint Coordinates, Landmark


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